This was one of my first projects I worked on during my time at the production company ConWeimar. The objective of this showreel was to highlight past projects and give a visiual representation of the cinematograhic style of the company. The footage was a combined total of 8 years of work stored on a 20TB server. Fortunately, the size of the project and its importance also brought the benefit of time. When other projects came in, I would put the showreel aside and later come back with a new perspective
The edit is music driven. It tells stories about discovering new places, following your passion, massive celebrations, meeting people and choosing adventure. Most scenes are not stand alone shots, but are connected either through wider and closer shots, match cuts and motives such as water, festival, sports and many more.
Camera: Marco Weimar
Edit: Frieder Schmalzhaf
Vision: Marco Weimar, Frieder Schmalzhaf

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